Letní Letná - festival of new circus, theater, music and visual art. He brings to Prague the best ensembles from all over the world. During the fourteen years she has presented not only prestigious ensembles from all over Europe, but also artists from Australia, Canada, Mexico and Uruguay.
The festival has brought such highlights of the world's new circus, such as Cirque Ici, Cirque Trottola, Les Colporteurs, 7 Fingers, Circus Cirkör, Compagnie XY, Cirque Baroque, Cahin Caha, Malabar, Atelier Lefeuvre & André, Cie Galapiat, Le Boustrophedon Cirque Trottola & Petit Théâtre Baraque, Cirque Inextremiste, La Compagnie du Poivre Rose, NoFit State Circus, Compagnie Rasposo, Cirque Alfonse, Collectif Malunés and more.
Letní Letná is the only show of its kind and scope in the Czech Republic and surrounding countries. The festival was first held in 2004 and for 14 years it became an integral part of both the Czech and European cultural maps - it became an event that is unparalleled in our country. The attraction of the festival is constantly growing - in the first year 60 shows and concerts were attended by 6,300 spectators, in 2017 there were over 45,000 performances in more than 190 performances.