Jakub Jan Ryba: Česká mše vánoční "Hej, mistře..." Bachcollegium
The Bach-Collegia Prague Christmas concert is a traditional musical event that takes place every year on Christmas Day, December 25. in the church of St. Václav na Smíchov in Prague 5. On the program is the most famous Christmas composition by Jakub Jan Ryba - Czech Christmas Mass "Hey, Master...".
All dates
4:00 PM
Basilica of St. Wenceslas (Smíchov)
250 CZK
The Bach-Collegia Prague Christmas concert is a traditional musical event that takes place every year on Christmas Day, December 25. in the church of St. Václav na Smíchov in Prague 5. On the program is the most famous Christmas composition by Jakub Jan Ryba - Czech Christmas Mass "Hey, Master...". The
well-known and captivating melodies of the cantor at Rožmitál attract many enthusiastic listeners every year, including the youngest generation. The concert is an inherent part of the Christmas tradition of the Prague 5 district. It is always performed by leading Czech soloists and musicians, who are a guarantee of a highly valuable artistic experience. The highlight of the concert is the joint singing of the Christmas carol "Narodil
se Christus Pán" by the performers and the audience and the organ finale on the large organ of the church of St. Wenceslas.